"Don't try to fight it, it'll only makes it worst. Trust Me." This line is repeated two times during Underworld: Awakening and it pretty much sums up what a viewer of this action packed flick should do: just sit back, enjoy and don't think too much.
Underworld, in it's first iteration (which was released almost a decade ago), began a promising cool new saga for vampire movie lovers. It took lean, leather-clad (and sometimes deathly pale) heroes (that reminded everyone of Neo from the matrix), put them in a blue-black tinged setting and gave them the role of vampires. While the werewolves, known in this story as Lycans, stalk the streets in human form and "hulk out" into giant dog-like beasts. The premise was great.
The series has had its ups and down, the second one was blah the third was great. To watch any of the films though, the back-story isn't really relevant, it's kind of like the relevance of a story in a first person shooter. What you're really here for is some action, and this movie has a lot of it.
Beheadings abound, disembowelment is a common affair. Underworld: Awakening delivers in that respect. If you desire mawkish romance from your vampire flicks check out Twilight, if you want a good story watch a better movie. For people being tossed around and looking matrixycool watch this.
3 fangs out of 5